Ideas about Objects, Objects with ideas

IMG_9829Recently we have been playing with the React guys from Bristol, an established group bringing academics and creatives together through their grant-giving powers and initiatives such as Objects Sandbox. Gill has been asked to be an advisor on the programme and also to run the initial Ideas Labs they have to help get these two groups together and to kick start the whole programme. Pairs of academics and creatives can then apply for their offer:

• A commission of £50,000. This breaks down int o two chunks – a £10,000 R&D grant for the creative company and the rest for project costs, academic time and overheads. For details on how the budget is broken down, and rates of reimbursement, see the Budget section of this document
• Opportunity to focus intensively on the development of new intellectual property
• A community of peers working in a similar area to share progress, questions and contacts

More details here.
The deadline for applications is 1300 GMT 13 December 2013

The Ideas labs are running this week in Exeter and Bristol and are a gentle introduction to the theme and the expectations of the programme. I hope they get inundated with brilliant proposals!



